Moving So Fast It’s Not Moving

Bashar has thrown out so many cool little nuggets about reality in his talks.  One of my favourite ones is what he calls the Prime Radiant.  He says that all things in Creation are actually one particle and one moment.  This one particle, the Prime Radiant, is travelling at infinite speeds, allowing it to be everywhere at once, and it is this one particle that forms all other particles and things.

One idea related to this that seemed so cool to me was that if something is moving so fast that it is actually everywhere at once, isn’t it also, in a sense, not moving at all?  

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Two Types of Accepting

“I am where I am.”
~~Abraham Hicks

So many spiritual teachers will speak of the importance of accepting what is and not struggling with life or the present moment.  I could kind of see how that made sense, but I had a hard time reconciling that with one of the keys of creating your own reality:  feeling as if you already have what you want in order to create the reality you want.  I was a bit confused as to how I was supposed to accept what is and be the change I wanted to bring about.

Well, I recently realized that there are two types of accepting, and I was doing the wrong one. 🙂

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How Big Is Your Thinking Box?

She thinks outside the box.

High praise. Someone who thinks outside the box is seen as being a maverick, an independent thinker.  They are someone who can connect seemingly unconnected dots.  Leonardo DaVinci, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs.  They create and can conceive of things that draw praise and awe from the rest of us who are, supposedly, stuck in the box.

I have a slightly different take on this.  I don’t think you can think outside the box.  I don’t believe that you have the ability to think beyond the current limits of your comprehension.   But I do think that you  can get a bigger box.

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The Joy of Lines

I recently had to go and renew my provincial health card.  I got there late in the morning, and there was a line with about 10 people in it.  I was happy.  Why?  Because it meant I could do some of my fun little mental exercises.

Meditating for 15 minutes or so every day is wonderful, and it has had a great impact on my life.  But you don’t have to wait until you have a chunk of time to practice quieting your mind, achieving a positive vibration, being in the now, or any other positive mental exercise you’d like to do.  

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Believe me or else…

Limiting beliefs are actually pretty interesting to me.  A lot of the ones I’ve unearthed within myself have been so illogical and silly that I’m actually startled when I come across them.  Bashar (check out the  Resources page for links) says that limiting beliefs make so little sense that often just uncovering them and bringing them into conscious awareness is enough to release them.

I’ve found that to be true with quite a few of them, but some of them — maybe the really crafty ones — present themselves as more than beliefs.  They project a solidity that makes them seem like inalterable  facts of reality.

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The Feel of a Thought

One of the things that has surprised me since I started paying more attention to my internal world is that I can feel thoughts.  Of course, I knew that thoughts go hand in hand with emotions.  Thoughts have a corresponding emotional feel, even if it’s indifference or neutrality.

No, what surprised me is that below the accompanying emotion, or even when there is no discernible positive or negative emotional reaction,  I can now feel thoughts as if they were actually in my body.  And they have different feels to them.  I don’t feel every single thought I have in this way, but quite a few.  I suppose it depends on how much momentum I have around that thought.

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Galactic Restaurant

Just enjoy the unfolding.
~~Abraham Hicks

One thing Abraham Hicks is always saying is that if we could just focus on what we want and why we want it and just leave the who, where, why, and how to the Universe, our manifestations would flow into our experience much more smoothly and quickly.

Letting go of how was a big sticking point for me.  It still is a bit.  I realized that I believed that if I didn’t know exactly how I was going to get something, I wasn’t going to get it.  I needed to know the details of how something was going to come about because then I felt like I had more control.  After all, if I didn’t get in there and manage the situation, there was no telling what I would end up with.

I struggled with this for a while, but then it hit me that there was already a common situation in my life where I was perfectly fine just sitting back and waiting for what I wanted: restaurants.

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How Long Will My Manifestations Take?

One of the biggest questions people trying to use Law of Attraction to bring about change in their lives have is, “How long will it take before I see my manifestations?”

We are used to thinking in terms of time when it comes to accomplishing things.  “How long does it take to boil a cup of water?” “When will my car be ready?”  “How many hours of  practice will I need to put in?”  But when it comes to creating reality, time is not the important factor.  In fact, it’s not a factor at all.  This can be extremely frustrating and discouraging for people – it certainly was for me – and seem a wee bit suspicious.  If this LOA stuff works, why can’t I get some concrete answers?

It’s important to keep in mind just how relative our Universe is.  There is no absolute answer that applies to everybody.

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The Universe Isn’t Worried About the Size of Your Desire

It is as easy to create a castle as it is to create a button.
~~Abraham Hicks

We humans have a general belief that bigger things take more time.  On the surface, that seems to make sense.  Of course a 15-bedroom mansion would take longer to build than a two-bedroom bungalow.  Wouldn’t it?

When it comes to creating your reality, how big you consider your desire to be is irrelevant.  Bringing a new 65-inch TV into your experience isn’t going to take longer than bringing in a 45-inch one because it’s physically bigger.  It may, however, take longer because the 65-inch one is more expensive and you believe that getting that amount of money will take you longer.   More on that in another post.

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What a Couple of Blue Jays Taught Me About Clarity of Desire

I’m one of the people who has recently jumped on the bandwagon during the exciting season that the Toronto Blue Jays have put together in Major League Baseball (MLB).  The Jays haven’t made it to the post season since winning back-to-back World Series in 1992 and 1993, and fans are anxious for the long drought to end.

I love watching and talking about the Jays and the Toronto Maple Leafs (I’ve got a good feeling about this season!) from a regular fan perspective, but another great thing about watching sports is that it gives you an opportunity to see a lot of spirituality stuff in action.  The most recent example of this came curtesy of two pitchers for the Jays: Marcus Stroman and Mark Lowe.

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